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The Lord's Prayer written in Arabic calligraphy |
By St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Then, after these
things, we say that Prayer which the Saviour delivered to His own disciples,
with a pure conscience entitling God our Father, and saying:
Our Father, which
art in the heavens
O most surpassing loving-kindness of God! On them who revolted
from Him and were in the very extreme of misery has He bestowed such a complete
forgiveness of evil deeds, and so great participation of grace, as that they
should even call Him Father. “Our Father, which art in the heavens;” and they also
are a heaven who “bear the image of the heavenly” [1 Corinthians 15:49], in
whom is God, “dwelling and walking in them” [2 Corinthians 6:16].
Hallowed be Thy Name
The Name of God is in
its nature holy, whether we say so or not; but since it is sometimes profaned
among sinners, according to the words, “Through you My Name is continually
blasphemed among the Gentiles,” [Romans 2:24] we pray that in us God's Name may be hallowed;
not that it comes to be holy from not being holy, but because it becomes holy
in us, when we are made holy, and do things worthy of holiness.
Thy kingdom come
A pure soul can say
with boldness, “Your kingdom come;” for he who has heard Paul saying, “Let not
therefore sin reign in your mortal body” [Romans 6:12], and has cleansed
himself in deed, and thought, and word, will say to God, Your kingdom come.
Thy will be done as
in heaven so on earth
God's divine and
blessed Angels do the will of God, as David said in the Psalm, “Bless the Lord,
all you Angels of His, mighty in strength, that do His pleasure.” [Psalm 102:20] So then in
effect you mean this by your prayer, “as in the Angels Your will is done, so
likewise be it done on earth in me, O Lord.”
Give us this day our substantial bread
This common bread is
not substantial bread, but this Holy Bread [of the Eucharist] is substantial, that is, appointed
for the substance of the soul. For this Bread “goes” not “into the belly and is
cast out into the draught” [Matthew 15:17], but is distributed into your whole
system for the benefit of body and soul. But by “this day,” he means, “each
day,” as also Paul said, “While it is called today” [Hebrews 3:15].
And forgive us our
debts as we also forgive our debtors
For we have many
sins. For we offend both in word and in thought, and very many things we do
worthy of condemnation; and “if we say that we have no sin,” we lie, as John
says [1 John 1:8]. And we make a covenant with God, entreating Him to forgive us our sins,
as we also forgive our neighbours their debts. Considering then what we receive
and in return for what, let us not put off nor delay to forgive one another.
The offenses committed against us are slight and trivial, and easily settled;
but those which we have committed against God are great, and need such mercy as
His only is. Take heed therefore, lest for the slight and trivial sins against
you, you shut out for yourself forgiveness from God for your very grievous
And lead us not into
“And lead us not into
temptation, O Lord.” Is this then what the Lord teaches us to pray, that we may
not be tempted at all? How then is it said elsewhere, a” man untempted, is a
man unproved;” and again, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into
various temptations” [James 1:2]? But does perchance the entering into temptation
mean the being overwhelmed by the temptation? For temptation is, as it were,
like a winter torrent difficult to cross. Those therefore who are not
overwhelmed in temptations, pass through, showing themselves excellent
swimmers, and not being swept away by them at all; while those who are not
such, enter into them and are overwhelmed. As for example, Judas having entered
into the temptation of the love of money, swam not through it, but was
overwhelmed and was strangled both in body and spirit. Peter entered into the
temptation of the denial; but having entered, he was not overwhelmed by it, but
manfully swam through it, and was delivered from the temptation. Listen again,
in another place, to a company of unscathed saints, giving thanks for
deliverance from temptation, “You, O God hast proved us; You have tried us by
fire like as silver is tried. You brought us into the net; You layed
afflictions upon our loins. You have caused men to ride over our heads; we went
through fire and water; and you brought us out into a place of rest.” [Psalm 65:10-12] You see
them speaking boldly in regard to their having passed through and not been
pierced. “But You brought us out into a place of rest;” now their coming into a
place of rest is their being delivered from temptation.
But deliver us from
the evil one
If “Lead us not into
temptation” implied the not being tempted at all, He would not have said, “But
deliver us from the evil one.” Now the evil one is our adversary the devil, from whom we
pray to be delivered. Then after completing the prayer you say “Amen;” by this “Amen,”
which means “So be it,” setting your seal to the petitions of the
divinely-taught prayer.
Fifth Mystagogical Catechesis
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